MAYJAM therapeutic grade essential oil 

for your friends and  beloved one

Shenzhen Youtuoband Technology Co., Ltd

Leo Essential Oil Combination

Leo Essential Oil Combination

100% Pure essential oil


100% Pure essential oil

Leo Constellation

Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. These folks are impossible to miss since they love being center stage. Making an impression is Job #1 for Leos, and when you consider their personal magnetism, you see the job is quite easy. Leos are an ambitious lot, and their strength of purpose allows them to accomplish a great deal. The fact that this horoscope sign is also creative makes their endeavors fun for them and everyone else.

Leo tends to be a sign associated with pride, vanity, and youth, where Saturn is associated with wisdom, restraint, and eldership, two very opposite phases of life. Positioned in this sign, Saturn would have to compensate, presenting in those born with Saturn in Leo as those who need to learn how to strike a balance by being discerning and disciplined when expressing themselves.

At the core of Leo-type personality imbalances is a surprising vulnerability and insecurity that others may not see because of the way they project confidence regardless of how they may be feeling. It points to a potential over-dependency on compliments, soothing, and assurance from friends and family that can be exhausting and unrealistic for all parties to sustain.


  • Feature: Brave

  • Volume: 100ml * 4 bottles

  • Ingredients: 100% Pure essential oil

  • Symbol:The Lion

  • Color: Gold & Purple

  • Planet: Sun

  • Dates: Late July or early to mid August (07/21-08/20)


  1. Helps relieve stress

  2. Soothes mental tiredness

  3. Provides pleasant fragrance

  4. Induces better sleep

  5. Mitigates fatigue

  6. Relaxes body and mind

  7. Activates mood

  8. Cheers you up

  9. Manages stress and anxiety

  10. Offers pleasing aroma

How To Use:

  • Bathing: Add a few drops to your bath for a heavenly comfortable feeling filled in the soothing aroma.

  • Air Purifying: They can be used with diffusers, Air fresheners, Air purifiers, and Steaming.

  • Inhaling: Directly add a few drops to the diffuser and enjoy aromatherapy.


For external use only.

Keep tightly sealed.

Store in a cool, dry place.

Avoid contact with eyes.

Stop using if irritation occurs.

Keep out of reach of children.

If pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor before use.