MAYJAM therapeutic grade essential oil 

for your friends and  beloved one

Shenzhen Youtuoband Technology Co., Ltd

MAYJAM Ginger Essential Oil 100ml

MAYJAM Ginger Essential Oil 100ml

100% Pure and organic Ginger essential oil


100% Pure and organic Ginger essential oil


Ginger (Zingiber officinalis), known as empowering oil, has a pleasant aroma. Steam inhalation effectively improves cold symptoms such as feverish/chills, headache, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, and fatigue. Ginger helps support healthy immune, respiratory, and circulatory systems and has a warming and soothing effect on strengths, making it a great oil to add to massage blends for sore muscles. It is also suitable for treating chronic bronchitis, which relieves physical problems properly.


Fragrance: Spicy, warm, and fresh

Volume: 100ml

Ingredients: 100% Pure and organic Ginger essential oil


The ginger essential oil has anti-inflammatory and analgesia functions that could help alleviate rheumatism, arthritis, muscle pain.

It invigorates the stomach and promotes circulation.

Improves immunity and resists dampness invasion in winter.

Improves respiratory system; removes mucus from the throat and lungs.

Regulates nausea, gastrointestinal discomfort, menstrual disorders.

Relieves post-operative pain, reduces post-operative pressure and nausea.

Stimulates courage and a sense of relaxation to improve sleep quality.

Ginger's gentle and balancing properties reduce anxiety and fatigue.

It helps relieve stress, raises self-awareness, and eliminates self-doubt and fear.

* Based on suggestions from more than 2000 aromatherapists collected by Phatoil Recipe Committee (PRC). For medical use, please consult your doctor.


Bathing: Add a few drops for a heavenly comfortable feeling filled in with a soothing aroma. Dilute one drop of Lavender, add to baby bath water to improve sleep quality.

Massaging: Mix a few drops with a carrier oil such as Grapeseed oil to apply to the skin. (Do not use the Essential Oil directly on the skin)

Air Purifying: This can be used with Diffusers, Air Fresheners, Air Purifiers, and Steaming. Put 2-3 drops of Ginger essential oil on the diffuser to relieve tiredness.

Wash the hair after diluting the essential oil with coconut oil that promotes blood circulation in the scalp and improves hair quality.

Traditional Applications

Meridian (Chinese medicine): Stomach meridian

Chakra (Indian medicine): Manipura


Ginger blends well with Cinnamon, Frankincense, Eucalyptus, Geranium, Sweet Orange, Lemon, Rosemary, and Peppermint.

Warming the joints recipe: 6 drops of Ginger + 4 drops of Juniper + 8 drops of Lavender + 30ml sweet almond oil.

Reducing water retention recipe: 1 drop of Ginger + 2 drops of Juniper + 2 drops of Geranium + 10ml carrier oil.

Alleviating cold symptoms recipe: 2 drops of Ginger + 3 drops of Tea Tree + 10ml carrier oil.


For external use only.

Keep the bottle tightly sealed.

Store in a cool and dry place.

Avoid contact with eyes.

Stop using if irritation occurs.

Keep out of reach of children.

If pregnant or nursing, consult your doctor before use.